Body Check

Part I:       Go to a quiet place. This should be a place where you can be alone for at least 30 minutes without distractions. Find a place to sit and be comfortable.  

Think about your physical body. Close your eyes as you breathe deeply. Just sit relaxed breathing deeply for a few minutes and get comfortable with the silence.


Now, focus on your body from the neck up. See if you can feel the blood running through your veins. Feel the energy that surrounds your body from the neck up. Do you feel any pain? If so where is it? How is your level of health from your neck up? Do you feel energized and alert or lethargic and drowsy? Send positive energy to your body from the neck up. Visualize you body from the neck up and send feelings of warmth. Picture your blood flowing smoothly and picture yourself gaining greater health as you envision the blood flowing through you. Continue to keep this image in your mind and smile with the image. This is you sending positive energy to yourself.


Now focus on your body from the waist to the neck. Breathe deeply and fill your lungs with air. Feel your lungs. Is there any congestion? Feel your digestive area. Is food clogged there or is it flowing smoothly? Do you feel gas and discomfort or ease? Feel your breast area, men and women. The number of men with breast cancer is accelerating. Feel your breasts and send positive energy to that area. Send positive energy to your body from the waist to the neck. Visualize your healthy lungs that circulate maximum oxygen. Visualize food flowing through your digestive system, leaving important nutrients and allowing unneeded fiber to continue to flow to your colon. Visualize your healthy body from the waist to the neck.


Focus on your body from the mid-thigh area to the waist. Focus on the belly button area and visualize waste products flowing through this area and out of your body. Do you feel constipated? Are your stools loose? What does this say about your health? Do you eliminate after each meal? Feel your genital area. Do you feel sexually healthy? Are you respecting your sexual organs and taking proper care of them? Send positive energy to your body from the waist to the mid-thigh area.


Finally focus on your body from the soles of your feet to the mid-thigh area. Do your legs feel strong and able to hold you and move you about as needed? Feel the blood flowing through your limbs. Send positive energy to your body from the mid-thigh area to the bottom of your feet.


Identify the area of your body in most need of positive energy. Focus on that area, visualize health and send positive energy.


Repeat this exercise as often as possible. It will help you move toward a higher level of wellness.


Part 2:       Now sit quietly and send positive energy to all parts of your body. Positive energy is sent when you visualize a part of your body and feel the warmth of sunshine flowing through you. Allow your body to bask in the warmth of your energy. Ask your body what it needs from you to be even healthier. Listen to the responses that your body gives you and write them here. If you are not sure how to listen, consider purchasing the 'Increase Your Intuitive Abilities' class.













List any symptoms or other potential physical problems you are aware of or became aware of as you completed this exercise.








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Lesson Summary

The guided meditation exercise aims to improve physical well-being through positive energy and visualization. It consists of two parts:

  1. Find a quiet place and focus on different parts of the body. Send positive energy to each part, visualizing it being filled with health. This process helps to create a sense of well-being within each specific area.

  2. Send positive energy to the entire body, listening to its needs for better health. Pay attention to any symptoms or physical problems that arise during the exercise and write them down. By acknowledging these areas that need improvement, one can move towards a higher level of wellness.

This guided meditation exercise promotes physical well-being by:

  • Focusing on different parts of the body
  • Sending positive energy and visualizing health
  • Listening to the body's needs
  • Being aware of symptoms or physical problems
  • Moving towards a higher level of wellness

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