Beware of the Distractions

Failing to respond to your intuition could result in admonishments. Since your intuition exists to help you, in a sense you offend it if you do not respond. Look at it as your best friend giving you advice. Maybe you are asking for help. Then your friend steps forward to help you and you do not even listen or respond. Do you think your friend might be a little upset?

When the Universe speaks loudly to you and you do not respond do not be surprised if the Universe speaks a different language, just like a parent changes tone when the child has not obeyed. I have often said the Universe will have its way. It has an energy and power beyond our comprehension and knows how to get our attention.

In my experience, the Universe will give warnings when you do not listen. The following is the process I have found that the Universe uses to get your attention when it has an important message to give you and you have not responded.

It starts with the distractions. This is when the Universe is trying to get your attention and you are not listening. I call it distractions because it is distracting to you. A distraction is a condition or state of mind in which your attention is diverted from an original focus or interest. You are focused on whatever you are doing with your life at the time and you are not hearing the message.

I know when I am being distracted when I look at my hands and find small cuts on them. The Universe is distracting me from my usual routine. It is trying to get my focus and I am not paying attention. When this happens and I am ironing I burn myself with the hot iron – I’m not paying full attention, the Universe is calling me. If I am in the kitchen dicing or cutting something I will cut myself because I am not paying full attention. The Universe has a part of my attention yet I am not aware. I am distracted. Friends of mine will lose keys when they are entering a distraction phase. Another friend who makes a living by driving will get lost frequently in known areas. These are due to distractions when the Universe is attempting to communicate to you and you are not listening. If you find this happening to you, stop and pay attention. Listen.

When you don’t stop and pay attention you may go to the next phase which is accidents

You may have heard about people who have had an unusual accident yet did not get hurt. Some of these accidents are minor and some are serious. I have a family member who had a serious accident when her car hit 4 other cars then turned itself over. She walked away without a scratch. Upon deeper evaluation of her situation we learned she was being distracted on several levels. She was in her late 70’s and it was about time for her to end her driving days. She was dealing with the transition of her sister and was not following some of the directions the Universe was giving her about the care of her sister and the Universe was attempting to get her attention. The accident stopped her and shook her up enough to get her to listen carefully and respond to the message the Universe was attempting to share with her.

The third level is illnesses. These usually occur after the Universe has spent a long time trying to get you to do something and you have not responded. Many illnesses take a long time to expose themselves and are the result of a festering problem. Perhaps there is something you have been nudged to do and for years you have put it off. By worrying about it and avoiding it you may be creating an unhealthy state in your body which will show up as an illness at a later time. Likewise, if you have had an illness and then find yourself suddenly healed, this too is a message. Why have you been healed? What is the Universe trying to tell you to do with your life?

And if you do not respond to the distractions, the accidents and the illnesses, the last recourse is death. If you do not fulfill your purpose in this life you may be asked to come back and do it again. So listen to your intuitive voice through the Universe and respond as requested to enhance the quality of your life.

List below any distractions, accidents or illnesses you may have encountered that could be due to your not responding to the Universe.













Lesson Summary

Ignoring your intuition can have serious consequences:

  • Distractions can arise to divert your focus.
  • Accidents may occur to shake you up.
  • Illnesses may manifest as a result of prolonged resistance to fulfilling your purpose.
  • Death can be the ultimate resort.

Thus, it is crucial to listen to your intuition and respond accordingly in order to improve the quality of your life.

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